Suggested Reading
The following list has been compiled to aid the seeker in the quest for knowledge and truth. It is by no means a solitary, complete list but is offered to assist the individual in locating the information that he feels is key to his own personal growth.
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Lundberg, C. David. Our Magnificent Afterlife: Beyond Our Fondest Dreams, 2019, Heavenlight Press
A groundbreaking, thorough overview of the afterlife. Its chapters include what souls do with their time; how souls initially arrive, the incredible beauty in the various environments, judgment, mindpower and telepathy, our spiritual bodies, cities, government, recreation, the logic of it all, the scope of Heaven, Summerland, Purgatory, the buildings, soul groups, religion, the encompassing love, the numerous joys, and more. there is more to learn about the afterlife than just reading about an individual’s near-death experience. Today, spiritual seekers want and need as complete a picture as possible. This work not only draws from some of the most reliable near-death experiences, but from numerous souls who live there, through reliable telepathic reporting. Dozens of sources are included in this study which incorporates over 170 quotations, primarily from souls living in the afterlife.
Whitten & Fisher. Life Between Life, 1998, Grand Central Publishing
Dr. Whitton and Joe Fisher explore the activities which occur between incarnations. Their work is based upon 13 years of research and medical case histories.
Childre & Martin. Heartmath Solution, 1999, Harper, San Francisco
Explore the role of the heart not just as a physical organ but also as a processor of our thoughts, emotions and experiences and how they affect the whole person.
Childre & Paddison. Heartmath Discovery Program, 1998, Planetary Publications, Boulder Creek, CA
A systematic approach to advanced personal development. Techniques for creating the life you want.
Church, Dawson. Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves: The Power of change Within to Change the World, 2005, APC Books
An ambitious collection of powerful ideas from some of the most advanced thinkers of our generation. It explores the link between our individual wellness and the overall health of our ecosystems and planet, showing that they are inextricably linked. The thirty co-authors make their points using wit, experience, science, and penetrating observation; the book is full of touching personal anecdotes, moving case histories, and fascinating scientific studies.
Hawkins, David R. Power vs. Force, 2002, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California
The hidden determinants of human behavior. A book on muscle testing, using it to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Lin, Chunyi Lin. Born a Healer, 2002, United States of America
An emotional book telling stories of people overcoming tremendous sickness – written by a Qi Gong master. Traces the author from his native China to becoming a renowned healer and teacher. Everyone is a born healer.
Pearsall, Paul. The Heart’s Code, 1998, Random House, New York, NY
Uses the field of cellular memory to show what the heart thinks and remembers. The author studied the heart’s “L” energy and it’s warnings. He went on to study transplants and how the background of the new heart could effect it’s recipient.
Pearsall, Paul. The Pleasure Principle, 2003, Nightingale Conant
How putting pleasure in your life can help you live happier, healthier and longer. According to the author hard work, sacrifice and self-denial are less important for our health than the joyful pursuit of a pleasurable balance in our lives.
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Destiny of America, Philosophical Research Society
America's place in the essential progress of civilization is emphasized as the story unfolds of how our continent was set aside for the great experiment of enlightened self-government. Evidence is presented which indicates that the seeds of this plan for the founding of America were planted one thousand years before the beginning of the Christian era. Here is a book sure to fascinate. It shows how the brilliant plan of the ancients, concealed from the common view, has survived to the present day and will continue to function until the great work is accomplished.
Hartman, Steven. The Essence of the Bhagavad-Gita, Nightingale Conant
Six cd’s and workbook: How to create more balance in your life. Stretch yourself beyond your current perceptions of life and death, and uncover the infinite spiritual being that you really are. Quiet your mind, and experience the joys and pains of life fully and without being harmed.
Ilibagiza, Immaculee. Left To Tell, 2006, Hay House, USA
Immaculee Ilibagizagrew up in a country she loved, surrounded by a family she cherished. In 1994 her idyllic world was ripped apart as Rwanda descended into genocide. Immaculee’s family was brutally murdered during a killing spree that lasted three months and claimed the lives of nearly a million Rwandans.
Incredibly, Immaculee survived the slaughter. For 91 days, she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor. It was during those endless hours of unspeakable terror that Immaculee discovered the power of prayer, eventually shedding her fear of death and forging a profound and lasting relationship with God. Her account of the miracles that protected her is simple and vivid.
She emerged from her bathroom hideout having discovered the meaning of truly unconditional love—a love so strong she was able seek out and forgive her family’s killers.
Ilibagiza's remarkable path to forgiving the perpetrators and releasing her anger is a beacon to others who have suffered injustice. She brings the battlefield between good and evil out of the genocide around her and into her own heart, mind and soul.
Moore, James W. Give Up Something Bad for Lent, 2012 Abingdon Press
During Lent each year, Christians give up something as an act of sacrifice and spiritual discipline. Often it is something like chocolate, knowing that after Easter Sunday they can once again enjoy what they have given up. James Moore challenges readers to take it further―to give up something spiritually that they would be better off not doing.
Selby, John. Seven Masters, One Path, 2003, Harper, San Francisco
Brings together practices of the most revered spiritual masters including Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. For those who want to learn to meditate or deepen their practice.
Meyer, Marvin W. The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume, 2006; HarperOne
The most complete, up-to-date, one-volume, English-language edition of the renowned library of Gnostic manuscripts discovered in Egypt in 1945, which rivaled the Dead Sea Scrolls find in significance. It includes the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and the recently discovered Gospel of Judas, as well as other Gnostic gospels and sacred texts. This volume also includes introductory essays, notes, tables, glossary, index, etc. to help the reader understand the context and contemporary significance of these texts which have shed new light on early Christianity and ancient thought. The compilation of ancient manuscripts that constitute The Nag Hammadi Scriptures is a discovery that challenges everything we thought we knew about the early Christian church, ancient Judaism, and Greco-Roman religions.
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. Kabbalah Key to Your Inner Power, 1997, Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, MT
Explore the once – secret Jewish mystical tradition. Through these teachings you will be called to remember your birthright as a child of God – your unique portion of God himself – inside of you.
Prophet, Mark and Elizabeth. The Answer You’re Looking for is Right Inside You, 1997, Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, MT
Everything you need to re-establish and intimate one-on-one relationship with God.
Prophet, Mark & Elizabeth. The Masters and their Retreats, 2003, Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, MT
Details the great spiritual beings that have ascended and hold retreats of light over the planet.
Prophet, Mark & Elizabeth. The Masters and the Spiritual Path, 2001, Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, MT
Saints have come from spiritual traditions of east and west and reunited with God in the process know as the ascension – they tell us they are examples and not exceptions.
Rinpoche, Sogyal. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, 1992, Harper, San Francisco
Introduces the reader to fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism, moving gradually to the topics of death and dying. Concepts such as reincarnation, karma and bardo and practices such as meditation, tonglen and phowa teach us how to face death constructively. As a result, life becomes richer.
Saint Germain. I AM Fundamentals, 1992, Saint Germain Press, Schaumburg, IL
The “I AM” religious activity represents the original, permanent and highest source of the Ascended Master’s instruction of the great laws of life.
Skarin, Annalee. Ye Are Gods, 1952 Devorss & Co.
Progress of the individual depends on the strength of the desire within. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the substance of things hoped for is the great spiritual energy out of which all things are composed, all things which do or can exist in the thoughts of man or in either the tangible realm of earth or the intangible realms of spirit. With this knowledge it is now possible to comprehend that faith is an ELEMENT. It is the greatest of all elements for it is the mother of all others. It is as definite as radium, or air, or water. It is truly the mother substance of elements out of which all existing things are composed.
Spalding, Baird T, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East 1964 DeVorss Publications, Marina Del Ray, CA 6 Volume Set
Travel with these American Scientists to the Far East and meet the living Saints and Ascended Masters who work to assist the planet in its spiritual goals. Internalize their teachings, learn to walk their path.
Wallace, Brett. Suburban Mystic, 2005, Llumina Press
It is possible to be a mystic in the 21stcentury. The author shares how he learned to be a mystic in this modern age regardless of where he is and his circumstances.
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch, 1992, Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, MT
Read about the Book of the Prophet Enoch “lost” by the early church in an effort to suppress the truth about the fall from grace and the origins of evil on Earth.
Leadbeater, C. W. The Masters and the Path, 1995,Theosophical Publishing,
Wheaton, IL
The author writes about the personalities of the Ascended Masters, their homes, work, nature and powers. He also covers the various stages traveled to reach them.
Mitchell, Stephen. Tao Te Ching, 1988, Harper Collins Publisher, New York, NY
A translation. An ancient Chinese text consisting of spiritual teachings, folk wisdom, political instruction, cosmology, observations of nature, anti-Confucian doctrine and mystical insights. This translation clarifies the meaning of the text without reducing their mystery.
Harvey, Andrew. The Teachings of Rumi, 1999, Barnes & Noble, Inc., USA
Jelalludin Rumi was an Islamic teacher until meeting a wandering Dervish named Shams Tabriz – through whom he encountered the Divine Presence. The result was a great body of mystical poetry and a spiritual movement. Here is a collection of his verses.
Daily, Starr. Love Can Open Prison Doors, 1947, Arthur James Limited
In the early 1900s, Starr Daily was a hardened criminal, the kind of man who seemed destined to spend his life behind bars. Daily became a hardened criminal, and spent fourteen years in prisons and chain gangs, surviving the barbaric penal system of the early 20th century by the force of his hatred. The love of God changed Starr Daily; and as he learned to walk in that love, he changed his circumstances, the people around him, the prison institution, and the course of his life.
Ponder, Cathryn. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, 1985, DeVorss
The author explores the dynamic laws of prosperity and shares actual success stories to help those of us who are uncertain. There is no flowery prose here. Just plenty of practical advice for using Divine power to overcome difficulties and achieve happiness.
Stevens, Robert Tennyson. Conscious Language: The Logos of Now, 2007 Mastery Systems Corp
Robert Tennyson Stevens masterfully leads us on a step-by-step journey in the new science of Conscious Languaging; the science of choosing the words that express our true intent, and knowing that our words are the quantum templates of health, abundance, peace and relationships!
Tolle, Eckhart. The Power of Now, 1997, Namaste Publishing Inc., Canada
The reader will gain a new view of the world more conscious of how thoughts and emotions get in the way of the ability to live in peace and happiness.
Lundberg, C. David. Unifying Truths of the World’s Religions, 2010, Heavenlight Press
This groundbreaking and exhaustively researched book convincingly demonstrates that it's the principles that every major faith holds in common-the unifying truths-that have the power and promise to bring us together instead of driving us apart.
Braden, Gregg. The Isaiah Effect, 2000, Three Rivers Press, New York, NY
Based on the Isaiah Scroll – from among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The author’s translation is a departure from traditional interpretations. He suggests the Prophet left instructions for a form of prayer that will bring healing to our bodies and peace to our nations in modern times.
Braden, Gregg. The God Code: The Secret of our Past, the Promise of our Future, Hay House
The author investigates what it would mean to discover an ancient language - a literal message - hidden within the DNA of life itself, and shows what was once believed of our past is about to change.
Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics, 2000, Shambhala, Boston
An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism.
Chatterjee, Debashis. Leading Consciously, 1998, Butterworth—Heinemann. MA
Connects contemporary scientific truths about work, organization and leadership to classical spiritual wisdom and self-mastery.
Goswami, Amit. Physics of the Soul, 2001, Hampton Roads Pub., Charlottesville, Va
The author helps you understand the perplexities of the quantum physics model of reality and the perennial beliefs of spiritual and religious traditions. He shows how they are not only compatible but also provide essential support for each other.
Goswami, Amit. The Self-Aware Universe, 1993, Penguin Putnam Inc., New York, NY
How consciousness creates the material world.
Ricard & Thuan. The Quantum and the Lotus, 2001, Crown Publishers, New York, NY
A monk and an astrophysicist explore how Buddhism and science address life’s big questions. Among topics touched on are the guiding intelligence of nature and the search for mechanisms that drive planets and humans alike.