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Writer's pictureThe Alchemical Shift

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Seasons of Gratitude

Photo by Joseph Gonzalez

    As I look out the window at the rich colors being blown around by late October winds, I am reminded that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Having lived in New England all my life I cannot imagine this time of year without crisp, cool air or colorful leaves blanketing the Earth as she begins to settle in for her Winter's nap. This is the genuine, historic setting we envision in which the Pilgrims gathered in gratitude for having survived a harsh first year in the New World.  Our country has changed much since that first gathering. Our people have come from a diverse group of nations, ethnicities and ancestral customs, all of which have flavored the way we each commemorate that first day which was set aside for giving thanks.

    I call to mind the practice of having an attitude of gratitude every day and consider how far reaching a grateful heart can go.  My own expressions of gratitude cover not only blessings past and present, but the vision of blessings yet to come. One can think of it thus - 'thanks in advance for your anticipated cooperation, Beloved Creator, in manifesting wonderful things.'  Through communion in the heart with my God, I know that I am a co-creator with Him, that it is my Divine Birthright to manifest all that is good; I create in His name.

    It is not difficult to be grateful for what has already come to pass for we have lived it. Blessings come, both big and small; even the smallest of the small are deserving of our thanks. Every experience is a potential catalyst for something greater.  I invite you to give thanks each day not only for that which has happened but that which is to come. Think of all that lies ahead.  Envision a bright, harmonious and abundant future.  Surrender your trust to the Creator to deliver these things and ask that all doubt be stripped from you.  Doubt will smother the glowing embers, bringing the creative flow to an abrubt halt.  Each new day offers possibilities for wondrous and wonderful things.  Putting more and more energy behind the positive strips energy from anything unpleasant.  Tip the scales with your words, your thoughts and your visions!  


     Manifest all that you desire through a vibration of gratitude. Visualize it while you give thanks for it - whatever it is - the perfect job, perfect health, more love, world peace and brotherhood; for that old car to last just one more year or to do well on the academic exam you will be taking.  Where goes a man's mind, so goes his energy.  The choice IS ours in how to direct our energy. 

    We are children of the Divine, it is our birthright to command the manifestation of all that is good and perfect.  It is so written in the Old Testament.

Isaiah 45:11

11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me (emphasis added).


Let the season of Thanksgiving live in your heart without ceasing.


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